Conference presentations
32nd World Congress of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), Denver, US, Oct 17-19 2024
- (Selected oral communication) Galhardo M, Castro AR, Magalhães JM, Portinha C, Logarinho E. “A Minimal Gene Network Controlling the Human Dermal Papilla Hair Inductive Potential”.
31st World Congress of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), Deli, India, Nov 1-4 2023
- (Selected oral communication) Castro AR, Magalhães JM, Galhardo M, Portinha C, Logarinho E. “Pharmacological therapy improving the dermal papilla fitness and hair follicle growth cycle”.
20th European Hair Research Society Meeting (EHRS), Sheffield, June 14-16 2023
- (Selected oral communication) Castro AR, Magalh.es JM, Galhardo M, Portinha C, Logarinho E. “Pharmacologic inhibition of TGFβ signaling improves human hair follicle growth cycle.”
20th European Hair Research Society Meeting (EHRS), Sheffield, June 14-16 2023
- (Best Poster Award in Basic Research) Castro AR, Galhardo M, Portinha C, Logarinho E. “Unveiling the trichogenic signature of the human native dermal papilla.”
30th World Congress and World Live Surgery Workshop of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, Panama City, Panama – October 27-29 2022
- [Selected Oral communication] Castro A.R., Magalhães J.M., Portinha C., Logarinho E. “Pharmacological therapy improving hair follicle growth cycle”
27th World Congress and World Live Surgery Workshop of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, Bangkok, Thailand – November 2019
- [Selected Oral communication] Castro A.R., Portinha C., Logarinho E. “Impact of distinct preservation solutions on hair micrografts viability ascertained by dermal papilla gene expression signature”
11th World Congress for Hair Research, Sitges, Spain – April 2019
- [Selected Poster] Castro, A.R., Portinha C., Logarinho E. “Impact of Preservation Solutions on Hair Micrografts’ Trichogenicity Ascertained by Dermal Papilla Gene Expression”
18th Meeting of the European Hair research society (EHRS 2018), Bologna, Italy – May 2018
- [Selected Oral communication] Castro A.R., Portinha C., Logarinho E. “Impact of distinct preservation solutions on hair micrografts viability ascertained by dermal papilla gene expression signature”
- [Selected Poster] Castro, A.R., Portinha C., Logarinho E. “Impact of 2D and 3D culturing in hair-inductive potential of dermal papilla stem cells”
10Th International Meeting of The Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and cell Therapies, Covilhã, Portugal – Oct 2017
- [Selected Poster] Castro, Ana Rita, Sousa, F., Portinha C. Granja P., Logarinho E. “Impact of 2D and 3D culturing in hair-inductive potential of dermal papilla stem cells”